GlassyAn Open and Honest Company
Glassy is dedicated to making companies more transparent with their stakeholders. Our mission is to enable companies to share more about their values, financials, analytics, operations, and more.
We believe being a private company shouldn't mean you have to keep your company's information behind closed doors. That's why companies use Glassy - to share their information with investors, employees, customers, suppliers, communities, etc. More transparency creates more trust.

We're an independent, bootstrapped company
I started Glassy in 2021 while hunkered down in Bali during the pandemic. I primarily built it as a way to give more insight into my own side projects. While I was working for (acquired by Walmart), I noticed how much employees and investors loved having a private app which gave them full-access to the companies metrics.
I saw an ongoing trend from companies like Buffer and the "open startup" movement that made me realize how many more companies wanted to share their data. While every company is unique, I believe there are global metrics and standards each company would like to share.
Transparent to the bones
What would Glassy be if we didn't stand for our own values. We don't just talk the talk - you can view Glassy's metrics here. And we'll always listen to take your feedback.